Chairman of the Meeting; Gary Ellis – Director of Operations Cityco.

Meeting Held on; Thursday 13th September 2012

Venue; Yang Sing Restaurant


Brief introduction

Chinatown is already a successful city centre locale, but there is a need to build on these successes to realise its full potential and make it one of the best Chinatown’s globally.

It is proposed the Manchester Chinatown Community Group will be based on a framework initiated 4 to 5 years ago in Castlefield where the local community and businesses got together to form a residents and small business forum to assist in revitalising the Castlefield area .

It will be a long process to achieve our aims objectives and aspirations for Chinatown, we will have some quick wins, and other goals will take a little longer but will only be attained by the commitment and proactive working of our newly formed group.


Terms of Reference and MCTCG Structures

  • Agree the Terms of ReferenceApproved
  • Elect Group Appointments (on a show of hands)

ü  Bonnie Yeung as Secretary- Approved

ü  Vera Wong as Treasurer- Approved

ü  Co Signatory – Warren Yeung – Approved

  • Appointment of a Committee

The Chair to receive nominations for the appointment of a committee by no later than 31st October 2012 ,which will be ratified at the next MCTCG meeting on the 15th November 2012.

  • Working Groups

ü  Community Development/ Chinatown Environment

ü  Events/Fund Raising

ü  Marketing/ Communications

The Chair to receive nominations for the appointment of heads of the above working groups by no later than 31st October 2012 .Which will be ratified at the next MCTCG meeting on the 15th November.

Other Business


One of the biggest challenges Chinatown encounters at present is the fragmented commercial waste collections, this creates problems with rodent infestation, an attraction for rough sleepers etc. and creates and poor perception of Chinatown in terms of its physical appearance.

Tommy Wolstencroft is currently looking into one waste service provider that caters for everyone’s needs, eradicates all associated problems and addresses the problem of leaving commercial waste on street for long periods of time.

40 different businesses in Chinatown with different needs have been consulted of which 70% were in favour of a joint waste collection with varying times required for collections.

Tommy Wolstencroft to work with MCC on the most suitable implementation of a single waste collection service for Chinatown. This information will be used in any tender process and the procurement of a waste management company that will best suit Chinatown business requirements. More detailed analysis of the amount and type of waste generated is required to progress this further. A new questionnaire was provided, discussed and circulated at the MCCG meeting in September.

Action – Tommy Wolstencroft

To consult the Business Community further with a view to procure a contractor and implement by January 2013.



The festival was held on 29th June 2012. Bonnie Yeung and Carl Wetherill gave the summary.  Successful in creating community cohesion; going forward should avoid road closures because it negatively affected footfall.  It involved a cross section of the community and sets an example of events that may be planned in the future.  It raised £2,000. It is felt MCTCG will need more time to plan events in future (at least 3 months in advance).

Future events raised include Best Waiter in Chinatown and the Chinatown Olympics.

Action – Elected Head of Events/Fund Raising

To develop an annual calendar of Events and fundraising events for Chinatown



ü  All tariffs discussed earlier in the year have been put in place. Off peak rates apply to all NCP car parks

Action – Bonnie Yeung

To provide attachment with details

ü  Implement community wide rates and validation so that there’s the same across the board- something for the forum to champion. All persons who asterisked their name on the attendance sheet will be asked back to a follow up meeting with NCP to negotiate and set up parking deals/ validation in the next couple of weeks.

Action – Gary Ellis

To arrange a meeting with NCP and Chinatown businesses who would want to negotiate favorable contract /season ticket parking spaces for their respective customer use by the end of October 2012.


  • On Street Parking

ü  Current on street parking arrangement under review half yearly, but unlikely to change.

ü  Vehicles are able to load and unload as long as the Civil Enforcement Officer observes the activity. Cars are restricted from using Goods Vehicles Only loading bays as these bays are specifically for use by commercial vehicles. I would also add that this policy is not restricted to Chinatown.

Action – Diane Murphy

Any issues to be raised with Diane

ü  Chinatown Businesses are not in a position to provide account evidence to support the anti parking changes position.

Action – Chinatown Businesses

To provide alternative evidence to the Chair of MCTCG

ü  Sunday parking scheme for Chinatown/free parking/ validation when visiting businesses in Chinatown.

ü  Also encourage people to take public transport.

Action -Kevin Peel /Diane Murphy

Investigate the feasibility of resident’s schemes and passes for Chinatown businesses and residents and report back at the next MCTCG meeting in November



  • The Chinese Arch

Regarding the main repairs/maintenance to the Chinese Arch the main issue is around finding the expertise to undertake the survey to determine what work is needed and the work itself without having to pay for someone from China to come over.  We now have a couple of leads and are taking it forward. The Council are currently investigating getting interim repairs done to allow the netting to be taken off, with more comprehensive work to be looked at over the next couple of years. There are grants available but these are matched funding grants.

Action – MCC Regeneration

To look at the interim repairs

Action – Elected Heads of Events/Fund Raising and Community Development/ Chinatown Environment Groups

Look at the feasibility of obtaining funding through events and expertise and work undertaken in kind through our contacts etc., to assist in bringing the Arch back to its pristine condition

  • Neighbourhood Policing – PC Rick Grace

ü  City wide on-going issue of homeless and drinkers- rough sleepers congregate and litter around pagoda but it is still a source of complaint

ü  Fewer resources currently but will hopefully improve Police restructuring in October/November may lead to increase in policing.

Incident Reporting – GMP Advised

ü  Please ring 101 or 872-5050 to report and log incidents- increase in reported incidents means that it more attention will be given to the area. If drunks, vagrants or homeless are in the area please contact 101- police will eventually come out and move them on.

ü  Or you can email/ contact via GMP website- what’s the email address?

ü  999 For Emergencies

  • How do Local Businesses deal with Customers that don’t pay – Is it a civil matter?

ü  Cityco have been requested by GMP & the LA Community Safety Manager to provide a framework to replicate the successful partnership approach to retail crime to tackle alcohol related crime & disorder, a number of discussion with the Chief Inspector & CS Manager have taken place and initial implementation plan has been developed & agreed. Cityco will undertake a period of consultation with key partners in the EE/VBA/Hoteliers association/ Pub & Club watch/Hosig and the Chinatown Business community outlining the model. The scheme will include the current Nitenet provision/secure information sharing platform/civil exclusion scheme/monthly briefing packages.

Action – Gary Ellis

To arrange for Cityco’s Business Crime Reduction Manager to present to MCTCG early 2013


  • Signage in Chinatown and the Vicinity

Road signage unclear, one way sign obscured.

Action – Briege MacDonnell

To raise this issue- audit to be conducted around the area, taking note of extraneous posts and poor signs etc.

  • United Utilities

Waterworks Affecting local businesses originally planned for 8 weeks Lack of communication between UU and the local businesses- work in consultation with businesses.

Action – Tommy Wolstencroft

To contact MCC to improve consultation and find out what the plans are, how much longer will it take?


Tommy has reported this to MCC who have spoken to UU. They have made improvements to the site and a letter is to be distributed to the affected businesses giving a works update and a timeline for completion.


Next MCTCG Forum


  • Date; Thursday 15th November 2012
  • Time; TBC
  • Venue; TBC